Monday, March 9, 2009

Web 2.0 Recruiting--Get on Board

You would think that most job seekers today have it easier than ever. Can you imagine looking for a new job without the internet? without linkedin, facebook or twitter? without a laptop, iPhone or a blog? If you are reading this, you are obviously a Web 2.0 geek and "get it". Companies who use these tools for recruiting also "get it." They are branding themselves as a Web 2.0 employer and their strategy is attracting the right type of candidate.

Social media is the future of recruiting and companies need to begin integrating it into their branding strategy. Our future workforce knows no different. They are connected on-line and on their phones, and they conduct their lives virtually. As they move into the business world they will bring it with them. It will be used in all industries, not just those that are technology driven and forward thinking. That is the difference. For companies to compete for top talent they are going to have to change how they recruit and where they recruit. Now is the time to re-group and to strategize for the future. It is also the time to watch how others are doing it and to learn from them.

Those that are Web 2.0 savvy are jumping in and testing the waters. Using twitter, facebook and linkedin to find both candidates and jobs. It is a great way to connect and network with those who have similar interests. It may take some time to get everyone there, (and some may never get there), but those companies and candidates that "get it" are way ahead of the curve.

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