Friday, August 7, 2009


Recently I saw this short video documentary titled "Validation" by Kurt Kuenne. Only 16 minutes long, but tells a story that all of us need to live by.

The story revolves around a man who works as a parking lot attendant whose main responsibility is to validate parking tickets in a garage. Not a difficult job and probably not a very exciting job, but a job that needs to get done. He becomes a very popular garage attendant once the word spreads that he treats his customers with respect and "validates" them all. Whether it be a compliment on a clothing item, a friendly smile or diffusing an angry customer, he is able to make each person feel special, therefore making their day. Each day the line gets longer and longer at his window --people want to walk away feeling good about themselves, which then allows them to go make other people feel good.....and there it is....viral validation.

How simple---so if all we need to do is respect, appreciate and validate each other the world would be a better place? Why don't we do it more? Not really sure of the answer there, probably because we are busy and people aren't validating us. It is time to stop that cycle! A kind word, an appreciative comment, or a smile are really all that is needed to make others feel good. Pretty simple.

Check out the Validation video on will make you realize how easy it is to make a difference and how we all need to slow down and validate each other.